Thursday, September 3, 2020
How marriage enhance family ties in the society Essay
How marriage upgrade family ties in the general public - Essay Example In any case, this isn't the setting to my exposition: rather I try to show how a few needs to turn out to be together the family jobs in a progressively edified and educated way. In the general public we live in relationships are of various settings and look to inspect how similar impacts family ties (Markman, Scott and Susan 120). The exploration question is: â€Å"Does marriage as practiced between two individuals have a direct financial effect on the familial ties in the society?†An investigation into this issue will involve a solid and more profound comprehension of the topic of marriage comparable to the practices that are related with it. Be that as it may, in many examples, many individuals have scrutinized the imperativeness of marriage itself. The quintessence of marriage Families as fundamental consideration organizations are shifted across various societies and they may change extra time. A decent occasion for the adjustment in family happens when a part is hitched or weds into the family. The suggestion here would imply that the social philosophies and laws are made to implement the adjustment achieved by marriage. It is to a great extent expected that a marriage can prompt the development of a general public and makes it to be increasingly perplexing and delineated. Thus, a marriage in its inclination enhances the personal satisfaction and makes a feeling of separation among the relatives dependent on their financial status. Nonetheless, as a rule there is a noteworthy contrast in the relationships dependent on the different attributes, for example, social foundation, instruction or religion of every one of the accomplices. Hence, the arrangement of a family as a social unit needs to join every one of these viewpoints that are achieved because of marriage. The meaning of a nuclear family as a social element in itself perceives the social substance of marriage in the general public. Waite and Lehrer while discussing â€Å"the profits by mar riage and religion in the United States,†they perceive that by and large, marriage and religion will both significantly impact life measurements, for example, mental and physical wellbeing, financial successes, life span among others. Subsequently, they note that marriage is related with a higher generally speaking hapiness rate. Each and every individual who professes to be enamored ought to have the essential thought that such an arrangement for marriage may bring about the improvement of cross-sectional investigations of the gathering. When would marriage be able to be viewed as a marriage? In this specific circumstance, I am going to investigate the contention that has been advanced by Brake in the article â€Å"Marriage and Domestic Partnership†. Thinking about the adjustment in the comprehension regarding marriage, a great deal of inquiries have emerged which have seemed to reclassify the setting of relationships in the general public. The phases that marriage fi nishes and the assessment the two couples experience together is sufficient to show of the idea of marriage and whether it meets all requirements to be called a commitment. Today, the thought for marriage considers different figures, for example, changes laws and customs. This may comprehensively involve government guidelines, culture and strict laws related with marriage. Thus, there are a few civilizational and good contentions that attempt to characterize the setting where marriage can be truly viewed as a marriage. In the congregation setting, the equivalent would be effectively replied as the period in time when the two individuals marry together. In any case, in other contemporary settings, marriage takes differing structures and implications. In some extraordinary cases, it is viewed as complete with the introduction of a youngster. An overemphasis of this angle orders marriage as a consistent procedure with no unmistakable start or end. As I would see it, despite the fact th at a great deal of the progressive changes in the advanced world
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Functions Of Netbios Computer Science Essay
The Functions Of Netbios Computer Science Essay NetBIOS was created by IBM and sytek as an API for customer programming to get to LAN assets anda additionally for getting to systems administration administrations. Netbios has stretched out its administrations to utilize netbios interface to work on IBM token ring design. Netbios(network fundamental info/yield framework) is a program which permits correspondence between uses of various PC to speak with in a LAN . netbios permit applications to chat on arrange and confine program of equipment conditions. In late Microsoft windows working frameworks NetBIOS is incorporated as a piece of NETBIOS broadened client interface(NetBEUI) and it is likewise utilized in Ethernet and token ring. NetBIOS liberates the application from understanding the subtleties of system including blunder recuperation and solicitation is given as a Network control square (NCB) determines a message area and the name of a goal. NetBIOS offers types of assistance for meeting and transport benefits in the OSI model with out any information design . the standard organization is given by NetBUI. Netbios gives two correspondence modes meeting and the datagram among which meeting mode gives discussion between PCs which gives mistake identification and blunder recuperation. NetBIOS gives an API(application program interface) for programming engineers which incorporates organize related capacities and orders which can be consolidated into programming programs. For instance, a developer can utilize a prewritten NetBIOS capacity to empower a product program to get to different gadgets on a system. This is a lot simpler than composing the systems administration code without any preparation. The correspondence in NetBIOS is done utilizing a configuration called organize control squares . the allotment of these squares depends on the clients program and is held for information and yield separately. Netbios underpins association arranged (TCP) and connectionless(UDP) correspondence and furthermore broadcaste and multicasting administrations like naming, meeting and datagram Elements of NETBIOS Netbios permits applications to converse with one another utilizing conventions like TCP/IP which underpins netbios.netbios is a meeting/transport layer convention which can be viewed as netbeui and netbt . the primary capacity sof NetBIOS are Beginning and halting meetings Name enrollment Meeting layer information transfer(reliable) Datagram information move (un dependable) Convention driver and system connector the executives capacities General or NETBIOS status This administration helps in social event the data about aparticular arrange name and end a follow at neighborhood or a remote framework. NETBIOS name administrations NetBIOS name table (NBT) administration procedures can be utilized with dynamic catalogs parts, areas and workgroups. The framework subtleties can be identified by questioning the name administration. Include, include gathering, erase and locate, the naming administrations give the ability to introduce a LAN connector card should be possible utilizing netbios name administrations. NETBIOS Session Services Meeting administrations gives verification across workgroups and gives access to assets like documents and printers. When the confirmation is done meeting administrations give solid information move by building up meetings between names over which information can be transmitted. Messages that are send are recognize by the accepting station, if a normal affirmation isn't gotten the sender retransmit the message NETBIOS Datagram administrations The datagram administrations are utilized to characterize the manner by which a host exemplifies data to netbios header , so when a solicitation happens the data from the header is extricated and stores it in the reserve. Datagram administrations permits sending messages individually, communicate without requiring an association. The messages can be send to various systems by knoeing singular names or gathering names. 2. In what capacity can NetBIOS be utilized to list a Domain, a Host NetBIOS Enumeration Utility (NBTEnum) is an utility for Windows that can be utilized to specify NetBIOS data from one host or a scope of hosts. The identified data incorporates the system transports, NetBIOS name, account lockout limit, signed on clients, nearby gatherings and clients, worldwide gatherings and clients, and offers. Whenever run under the setting of a legitimate client account extra data is specified including working framework data, administrations, introduced programs, Auto Admin Logon data and scrambled WinVNC/RealVNC passwords. This utility will likewise perform secret phrase checking with the utilization of a word reference record. Runs on Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003. PERL source included. Models : * nbtenum - q Enumerates NetBIOS data on have as the invalid client. * nbtenum - q johndoe Enumerates NetBIOS data on have as client johndoe with a clear secret word. * nbtenum - an iprange.txt Enumerates NetBIOS data on all hosts determined in the iprange.txt input record as the invalid client and checks every client represent clear passwords and passwords equivalent to the username in lower case. * nbtenum - s iprange.txt dict.txt Enumerates NetBIOS data on all hosts determined in the iprange.txt input document as the invalid client and checks every client represent clear passwords and passwords equivalent to the username in lower case and all passwords indicated in dict.txt if the record lockout limit is 0. 3. What vulnerabilities are related with netbios and how they can be misused? Coming up next are the a portion of the vulneabilities of the netbios and their abuses Windows NetBIOS Name Conflicts helplessness The Microsoft Windows execution of NetBIOS permits a spontaneous UDP datagram to remotely deny access to administrations offered by enrolled NetBIOS names. An aggressor can remotely close down all Domain Logins, the capacity to get to SMB offers, and NetBIOS name goals administrations. Powerless frameworks: Microsoft Windows 95 Microsoft Windows 98 Microsoft Windows NT Microsoft Windows 2000 NetBIOS Name Conflicts, characterized in RFC 1001 (, happen when a special NetBIOS name has been enrolled by more than one hub. Under ordinary conditions, name clashes are identified during the NetBIOS name revelation process. At the end of the day, a NetBIOS name should possibly be set apart in strife when an end hub is effectively settling a NetBIOS name. The conveyance of a spontaneous NetBIOS Conflict datagram to any Microsoft Windows working framework will put an enrolled NetBIOS name into a tangled state. Clashed NetBIOS names are adequately closed down since they can't react to name revelation asks for or be utilized for meeting foundation, sending, or accepting NetBIOS datagrams. The security ramifications of clashing a NetBIOS name rely on the NetBIOS name influenced. In the event that the NetBIOS names related with the Computer Browser administration are clashed, utilities, for example, Network Neighborhood may get unusable. On the off chance that the Messenger Service is influenced, the net send order counterparts are unusable. On the off chance that NetLogon is clashed, Domain logons can not be confirmed by the influenced server, along these lines permitting an assailant to methodicallly shutdown the NetLogon administration on all space controllers so as to deny area administrations. At last, clashing the Server and Workstation Services will stop access to shared assets and numerous central NetBIOS administrations, for example, NetBIOS name goals. Microsoft Windows 9x NETBIOS secret phrase check powerlessness. A powerlessness exists in the secret phrase check conspire used by Microsoft Windows 9x NETBIOS convention usage. This defenselessness will permit any client to get to the Windows 9x document imparted administration to secret phrase assurance. Potential assailants dont need to know the offer secret key. Defenseless frameworks: Microsoft Windows 95 Microsoft Windows 98 Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition Safe frameworks: Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 Anybody can set a secret key to secure Microsoft Windows 9x frameworks shared assets. However, a weakness in the secret phrase check plan can be utilized to sidestep this security. To confirm the secret key, the length of the secret key relies upon the length of the information sent from customer to server. That is, if a customer sets the length of secret word to a 1 byte and sends the parcel to server, the server will just think about the principal byte of the mutual secret word, and if there is a match, the validation will be finished (the client will be conceded get to). Along these lines, an aggressor should simply to conjecture and attempt the main byte of secret phrase in the person in question. Windows 9x remote administration framework is likewise influenced since it receives a similar offer secret key verification strategy. Adventure: Here is one basic guide to exhibit this bug. Get samba source bundle and adjust source/customer/client.c like this: samba-2.0.6.orig/source/customer/client.c Thu Nov 11 10:35:59 1999 +++ samba-2.0.6/source/customer/client.c Mon Sep 18 21:20:29 2000 @@ - 1961,12 +1961,22 @@ struct cli_state *do_connect(char *serve DEBUG(4,( meeting arrangement okn)); +/* on the off chance that (!cli_send_tconX(c, share, , secret phrase, strlen(password)+1)) { DEBUG(0,(tree associate fizzled: %sn, cli_errstr(c))); cli_shutdown(c); bring NULL back; } +*/ + + password[0] = 0; + c->sec_mode = 0; + do{ + + password[0]+=1; + + }while(!cli_send_tconX(c, share, , secret phrase, 1)); Imperfection in NetBIOS Could Lead to Information Disclosure System fundamental info/yield framework (NetBIOS) is an application-programming interface (API) that can be utilized by programs on a neighborhood (LAN). NetBIOS gives programs a uniform arrangement of orders for mentioning the lower-level administrations required to oversee names, lead meetings, and send datagrams between hubs on a network.â This helplessness includes one of the NetBT (NetBIOS over TCP) administrations, to be specific, the NetBIOS Name Service (NBNS). NBNS is comparable to DNS in the TCP/IP world and it pr
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Medieval Philosophy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Medieval Philosophy - Assignment Example Consequently, magical powers, including magnificent bodies and malevolence spirits, compel human wants and make jumps while in transit to engaging in various exercises out of their unrestrained choice. Besides, since the endowments and bounties showered by God upon people, bring delights throughout their life, so people must look for His insurance so as to get away from adversities throughout everyday life. Be that as it may, God has likewise conceded forces to the detestable powers existing known to man and has permitted them to damage and mischief the people through their guile. These powers entice people to follow their wants without making the sufficient judgment among good and bad. Subsequently, there is by all accounts a high likelihood of people to become prey to the malevolent allurements by stretching out their desires and wants all things considered. Thus, regular powers deliver the people with hardships that requirement their through and through freedom and breaking point their activities and behaviors for the future days to come based on the foresight the Providence keeps up. Question 3 (Answer): Contemporary period scholar and rationalist, Nelson Pike, has basically inspected the Boethius’ tenet in regards to omniscience and choice. Since Boethius has presented his case that it is omniscience that obliges human through and through freedom, no human activity is free and autonomous one in its tendency and extension. Be that as it may, Pike invalidates the very thought by proclaiming it bogus and against the very proof inside and out. Pike is of the view that since God is all-Knowing and all-Powerful, He has foresight of every single episode that would occur in the life of each human for an incredible duration. Pike bolsters his proposition with a few representations and models, so as to explain his contention in regards to the forces conceded to people by the Lord for playing out their local and expert obligations and commitments. In the event that an individual, Pike contends, is resolved to accomplish something either inconsequential or significant, God surely keeps up prescience of it. Be that as it may, He has permitted people to apply their through and through freedom, out of their own decisions, so as to play out their regular exercises with no obstacle or snag in transit. As it were, however every occurrence to be occurred on the planet in the life of people is in the information on God, yet He doesn't confine the people from participating in individual and aggregate exercises of their decision by compelling every single human activity. In actuality, He has skilled the people with the forces to try and invalidate His very presence, as skeptic watch, however He has total prescience of it. On the off chance that God begins forcing requirements on each human activity, at that point there would nor be any space for the skeptics and unbelievers nor might people make this world a district where violations, offenses, sin s, and law-breaking happen much of the time. In this manner, Pike invalidates Boethius’s regulation that God’s omniscience limits human activities in such a ground-breaking way, that it pulverizes the idea of through and through freedom out and out. Notwithstanding, Boethius doesn't guarantee that each human activity is banned by the characteristic administrative specialists.
Animal rights Essay Example for Free
Basic entitlements Essay Utilitarianism is worried about satisfaction, and utilitarians acknowledge the possibility that worth is all inclusive so utilitarians accept that the inborn estimation of bliss it is unaffected by the character of the being in which it is felt. Consequently every mean one, and none for beyond what one and my own advantages can't mean more, just in light of the fact that they are my own, than the interests of others. Utilitarians bolster balance by the equivalent thought of interests they dismiss any subjective qualifications with respect to who is deserving of concern and who isnt. This implies we dismiss selfishness, prejudice, sexism, speciesism, and different types of unreasonable separation. It doesn't imply that we deny that there are contrasts between people or between gatherings of people (a few people are cleverer, taller, more grounded, more enthusiastic and so forth than others), only that there is no legitimately convincing explanation behind expecting that a distinction in capacity legitimizes any distinction in the thought we provide for their inclinations. Utilitarians accept that while bliss, delight, happiness, fulfillment, euphoria, etc are not equivalents, they do all speak to decidedly naturally significant emotions; and that the worth they speak to is of a comparable kind, as is convertible or proportionate (in some extent). Torment, enduring, misery, desolation and so on are completely respected comparatively that the disvalue they speak to is convertible, not just with that of the other negative emotions, yet with the positive sentiments as well. This implies, for instance, that an utilitarian may accept that it is beneficial to persevere through a specific measure of enduring now, on the off chance that it guarantees a more noteworthy measure of joy later. In old style utilitarianism, bliss is viewed as decidedly significant, and misery (torment, enduring and so forth) is respected is adversely important. Negative utilitarianism denies the positive angle it denies that bliss is naturally important. By negative utilitarianism, the main objective (the main thing which is viewed as acceptable) is the decrease of anguish. Normal utilitarians and negative utilitarians concur on certain issues, and differ on others. A standard contradiction is outlined by the way that a negative utilitarian would accept that, on the off chance that it were conceivable to annihilate all life known to man right away and effortlessly and for all time, it would be right and morally necessitated that we do as such (so as to forestall any future affliction). A traditional utilitarian may choose in any case, contingent upon their estimation of the overall measures of future affliction and joy.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Locke Mill And Rousseau Essay Research Paper free essay sample
Locke, Mill, And Rousseau Essay, Research Paper John Locke, John Stuart Mill, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau all managed the issue of political opportunity inside a general public. John Locke # 8217 ; s # 8220 ; The Second Treatise of Government # 8221 ; , Mill # 8217 ; s # 8220 ; On Liberty # 8221 ; , and Rousseau # 8217 ; s # 8220 ; Discourse On The Origins of Inequality # 8221 ; are powerful and convincing artistic plants which while portraying the theoretical model of each psyche # 8217 ; s perfect territory present disparate dreams of the very idea of grown-up male and his opportunity. The three have to some degree various positions sing how much opportunity grown-up male should hold in political society since they have various positions sing grown-up male # 8217 ; s fundamental intensity for intrinsically great or underhandedness conduct, each piece great as the terminals or goal of political social orders. So as to break down how each psyche sees grown-up male and the opportunity he should hold in a political society, it is important to indicate opportunity or self-rule from every rationalist # 8217 ; s position. John Locke expresses his conviction that all work powers exist in # 8220 ; a region of ideal opportunity to arrange their activities and discard their proprietorships and individual as they might suspect fit, inside the limits of the law of nature, without inquisitive leave or relying on the desire of some other man. # 8221 ; ( Ebenstein 373 ) Locke accepts that grown-up male exists in a region of nature and in this manner exists in a region of unmanageable independence, which has simply the law of nature, or ground, to reduce it. ( Ebenstein 374 ) However, Locke does territory that grown-up male does non hold the permit to destruct himself or some other creature in his possession except if a genuine aim requires it. Locke stresses the capacity and opportunity to have and total compensation from effects as essential for being free. John Stuart Mill characterizes independence comparable to three spaces ; each progressive circle progressively includes and characterizes more components partner to political society. The main circle comprises of the people # 8220 ; internal circle of cognizance ; requesting self-rule of witting in the most thorough sense ; self-rule of thought and feeling ; total opportunity of slant and assumption on all points, pragmatic or awful, logical, moral, or philosophical. # 8221 ; ( Ebenstein 532 ) The second space of Mill # 8217 ; s definition includes the general opportunities which permit a man to uninhibitedly scrutinize a # 8220 ; # 8230 ; life to suit our ain character ; of making as we like # 8230 ; # 8221 ; ( Ebenstein 533 ) Mill other than states that these opportunities must non be meddled with by # 8220 ; individual creatures, inasmuch as what we do does non hurt them # 8230 ; # 8221 ; ( Ebenstein 533 ) , The finishing up area of Mill # 8217 ; s meaning of self-governance is a blend of the initial two. He expresses that # 8220 ; # 8230 ; the opportunity to bind together, for any reason non influencing injury to other people: the people joining should be of full age, and non constrained as well as misdirected. # 8221 ; ( Ebenstein 535 ) Rousseau believed that grown-up male was brought into the world frail and inexperienced, however upright. It is only when grown-up male became friendly that they got underhanded. ( Cress, 80 ) Since common society makes work powers debase, Rousseau supported # 8220 ; general will # 8221 ; , all the more precisely the joined volitions of every person, to make up ones psyche open individual businesss. General will would go the self-ruling and along these lines it would be inconceivable for its associations to strife with the priorities of the residents, since this would make injury to itself. Excellence originated from the opportunity of work powers to do conclusions to benefit the network. The general will mean surrendering single rights for the improvement of the corporate gathering. Thusly affable autonomies were an interesting expression, since humanized society required Torahs and guidelines to delineate, independence was the opportunity to move however one wanted. It is subsequen tly difficult to suit the characteristic grown-up male with the resident. So it was obligation of the specialists to accomplish opportunity, uniformity, and justness for every one of its residents. Since the definitions they present in their few writing are discernable from each other, when every savant alludes to opportunity or freedom they are non referencing a similar develop. This separation is essential when looking at their places sing the total of opportunity grown-up male should hold in a political society. What one logician considers a plain or unreasonable abuse of independence the other may see the activity completely authentic and legitimate. John Locke accepts that work powers ought to be essentially unlimited and free in political society. Locke # 8217 ; s sane for this spot lies in the copy establishment of grown-up male # 8217 ; s obviously great miens and the specific and restricted terminals Locke accepts political social orders should hold. Fitting to Locke the solitary opportunities grown-up male ought to lose when come ining into a political society are to equity and rebuff the individuals who encroach on his independence and home. ( Ebenstein 381 ) In Locke # 8217 ; s perfect society this neglects to limit or take any opportunity from the individual, it only expels the obligation of shielding these opportunities from the individual and topographic focuses it on the area. John Stuart Mill accepts that work powers ought to be simply constrained in political society. Factory contrasts from Locke in the essential standard that individual who appreciate the advantages of life in political social orders owe an arrival for the security society offers. Plant accepts for society to work tolerably, conduct of social orders individuals ought to # 8220 ; non wound the contributions of each other ; or rather certain associations ; which either by express lawful stipulation, or by quiet dread, should be viewed as rights # 8221 ; ( Ebenstein 537 ) Factory facilitates this announcement by declaring that society may travel considerably further. # 8220 ; As presently as any part of an individual # 8217 ; s conduct influences harming the contributions of others, society has lawful control over it, and the general request whether the overall population help will or will non be advanced by meddling in it, gets detached to conversation. # 8221 ; ( Ebenstein 537 ) This assertion for all intents and purposes permits the territory the approval to step in for each situation of human collaboration and have whole capacity to change the trade as it sees fit. On the off chance that this guide of the area is viewed as preeminent or is permitted legitimate control over even the primary space of opportunities, any more distant treatment of independence is uneffective and overabundance. Factory obviously tries to limit the opportunity of work powers and vouching some progression of residuary capacity to be practiced by the territory voluntarily. Having analyzed the degree or total of opportunity Locke, Rousseau, and Mill advocate for grown-up male in political society, a closer investigation of the balanced or finishing up which they used to build up their place will clear up the issue more remote. The situation of grown-up male and his normal aura toward great or abhorrence is significant and cardinal in the development of their positions sing political society as a rule and how much opportunity grown-up male should hold in it. The significance of this issue lies in their capacity to sanction their choices about society dependent on the need of fitting the regular manners of grown-up male. Oppression can simple be legitimized under the affectation of shielding the feeble from the common savage tendencies of more grounded work powers. Locke and Rousseau are unyielding in their announcement that grown-up male is obviously disposed toward great. Locke # 8217 ; s faith in the estimation of grown-up male and his capacity to move autonomously in similarity with normal statute contributed more to his positions sing opportunity than did his places sing the guide of the region. A few spots which Locke and Rousseau hold to be genuine sing grown-up male warrant this choice. First is Locke # 8217 ; s meaning of the territory of nature as # 8220 ; work powers populating together orchestrating to ground, without a typical higher-up on Earth with approval to decide as to them # 8230 ; # 8221 ; ( Ebenstein 375 ) Second Locke # 8217 ; s conflict that in the region of nature that grown-up male has the option to punish # 8220 ; the offense for limitation and preventing the comparable impoliteness, which right of punishing is in everyone ; the other of taking reparation, which has a place simply with the harmed party # 8230 ; # 8221 ; ( Ebenstein 376 ) Locke does non hold the privileges of work powers to punish evildoings against them, this privilege of all work powers in a region of nature regardless of whether it involves the # 8220 ; capacity to kill a vendor, both to dishearten others from making he like hurt, which no reparation can balance # 8230 ; # 8221 ; ( Ebenstein 376 ) However Locke acknowledges that the privilege of rebuffing of evildoings against o neself has incredible conceivable and temptation for abuse and corruptness this is the reason Locke fights, # 8220 ; God has clearly designated specialists to keep the affection and power of men. # 8221 ; ( Ebenstein 382 ) Locke # 8217 ; s unequivocal positive thinking refering the idea of grown-up male is plainly moved to his opinion sing grown-up male # 8217 ; s opportunity in political society. John Stuart Mill does non hold the equivalent hopeful situation of the idea of grown-up male that Locke holds. Be that as it may, he obviously has a bigger number of religions in universes than the depiction Thomas Hobbes nowadayss of grown-up male in Leviathan. An example can be made for Mill # 8217 ; s negative situation of universes as a result of his valuable subjects all through # 8220 ; On Liberty # 8221 ; which suggests that whenever left to their ain gadgets grown-up male will examine his ain contributions even at the expenses of his kindred grown-up male. Factory does non d
Monday, August 3, 2020
New Student Photo Series 2012 Post #7 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
New Student Photo Series 2012 Post #7 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog We took a brief Blog hiatus but were back with some more photo submissions. We received a few in the past few weeks so we will post them in the next week or so before the class arrives for Orientation on August 27th. ___ Todays first set of photographs were submitted by Elisa Dumitrescu, an incoming MPA student. ___ All photos submitted were taken in various locations in Kenya. A tailor working on the roadside at one of the busiest junctions in Nairobi A bicycle belonging to a security guard. Most people in Kenya either walk or cycle to work or take a minibus (matatu) at some point in their commute Photo was taken at one of the major used clothing markets in Nairobi Mutumba/Toy Market. Clothes are often sold in large bundles for 50 shillings a piece (less than a dollar). Some local children in Lamu, Kenya on Shela beach ___ The second set of photos were submitted by Nancy Widjaja, an incoming MPA-DP student. ___ My best friend Liyana visited me in Bangkok in 2011 and we decided to take a detour from the usual shopping spa routine to drive about 2.5 hours out of the city to Wat Pha Luang Ta Bua, more famously known as the Tiger Temple, in Kanchaburi province. The Theravada Buddhist temple cares for about 100 tigers and tiger cubs (most roam freely or with a simple leash!). We had the awesome opportunity of playing with about ten cute tiger cubs and we even got to bottle-feed them. They were really cute, but don’t be fooled by their innocent looks…they do bite and scratch hard! I was really excited when I was sent to Beirut, Lebanon, to attend an OECD conference in October 2010. I had heard that Beirut is a very pretty city, but all my expectations were surpassed! The people were also very nice and warm (and beautiful!). This picture is one of my favorite from my Beirut photo set. Here the gorgeous Mohammad Al-Amin mosque, an Ottoman-style mosque established by the late Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and inaugurated in 2008, sits side by side with Saint George Maronite Cathedral, established in late 19th century. You can also see ruins of ancient Roman structures in the foreground. For me, it offers a taste of how beautifully diverse and rich in heritage Lebanon is. The other ‘perk’ of living in Bangkok is that you get to do the famous Muay Thai (Thai Kickboxing) with one of the real master kickboxers. I have to admit that I quit after 2 exercise sessions way too strenuous for someone who has been living in a sedentary life for quite a while!
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Annotated Bibliography Writing
Annotated Bibliography Writing Annotated bibliography writing may look like a foreign language, but it is a great way to begin your work for any writing project, particularly projects over five pages in length. The annotated bibliography is a great way to gather information for large writing projects or simply to learn how to evaluate sources for use in papers. You will create an annotated bibliography from sources you gather from online, your school’s library, or even other course materials from your class. The annotated bibliography is designed to assist you in practicing formatting based on your school’s required formatting styles – such as APA and MLA; however, many schools will not strictly adhere to the styles as found online. Your best resources for developing the correct formatting for your annotated bibliography is to use the resources provided by your school to determine how the style has been assigned for use by your school – such as listing your sources as references, works cited, or the bibliography. Most schools will make at least minor changes to the style requirements, or be more lenient on some aspects while being very strict on others. In addition, when developing your annotated bibliography it is ok to summarize the works using the summary section of the source; however, the summary should not be a direct quote, and should include the key information in the source that will be most applicable to your particular project. This is to assist in assigning value to the source you have chosen. Finally, while writing the annotated bibliography consider how this source will play a role in meeting the needs of the paper later – such as where the source applies for the layout of the paper and how the source will fit with the topic sentence. You can also contact our professional annotated bibliography writing service which provides high-quality custom papers with annotated bibliography at an affordable cost.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Music of Indonesia - 3188 Words
------------------------------------------------- Music of Indonesia The music of Indonesia demonstrates its cultural diversity, the local musical creativity, as well as subsequent foreign musical influences that shaped contemporary music scenes of Indonesia. Nearly thousands of Indonesian islands having its own cultural and artistic history and character.[1] This results in hundreds of different forms of music, which often accompanies dance and theater. The musics of Java, Sumatra, Bali, Flores and other islands have been documented and recorded, and research by Indonesian and international scholars is ongoing. The music in Indonesia predates historical records, various Native Indonesian tribes often incorporate chants and songs†¦show more content†¦In Indonesia it is particularly associated withMinahasa people of North Sulawesi, however it also popular in Maluku and Timor. [edit]Sasando Main article: Sasando Sasando is a plucked string instrument native of Rote island of East Nusa Tenggara. The parts of sasando are a bamboo cylinder surrounded by several wedges where the strings are stretched, surrounded by a bag-like fan of dried lontar or palmyra leafs (Borassus flabellifer), functioned as the resonator of the instrument. [edit]Tapanuli ogong Musical performance from Tapanuli area of Batak of North Sumatra. Tapanuli ogong is a form of dance music played with a type of lute, trumpet and flute. ------------------------------------------------- [edit]Genres The diverse world of Indonesian music genres was the result of the musical creativity of its people, and also the subsequent cultural encounters with foreign musical influences into the archipelago. Next to distinctive native form of musics, several genres can traces its origin to foreign influences; such as gambus and qasidah from Middle Eastern Islamic music, keroncong from Portuguese influences, and dangdut with notable Hindi music influence. [edit]Folk musics Indonesian regional folk pop musics reflects the diversity of Indonesian culture and Indonesian ethnicity, mostly use local languages and a mix of western and regional styleShow MoreRelatedPromoting Natural Beauty and Cultures of Indonesia to The World Promoting Natural Beauty and Cultures of Indonesia to The World 1145 Words  | 5 PagesCultures of Indonesia to The World The Republic of Indonesia is known as the largest archipelago in the world comprising more than 17,000 tropical islands, located between the Pacific and Indian Oceans and the biggest islands are: Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi, and Papua. Indonesia is not complete without one of the most famous island in the world, Bali, famous for its beautiful beaches and strong culture of Indonesia. Besides being famous for its landscapes, Indonesia is also knownRead MoreIncreasing Number Of Infections Among Women1728 Words  | 7 Pagesgovernments, development agencies and civil society must collaborate to develop and implement HIV and AIDS sensitive strategies that will make a difference globally. WHO currently assists Indonesia and the rest of the global community to reduce the percentage of mother-to-child transmission to less than 5%. Indonesia with the rest of the global community is committed to progress the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission through an initia tive to eliminate new pediatric infections by 2015 includingRead MoreSocial Responsibility of Tan Sri Tony Fernandes1675 Words  | 7 PagesAccountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). Upon his return to Malaysia, he became the youngest managing director of Warner Music (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. As well as being an accountant, Fernandes is an amateur guitarist and also has achieved grade 8 piano which is where his musical inclination lies.[citation needed] He subsequently became the South East Asian regional vice-president for Warner Music Group from 1992-2001. When Time Warner Inc announced its merger with America Online Inc., Fernandes left to pursueRead MoreFilm Analysis : Movie, Film, And Films1706 Words  | 7 PagesIn addition, the popular concept of Christmas is out of context from the birth of Jesus, instead promotes Santa Claus and family with holiday spirits. Why It Must Be Here The United States has always be the pioneer in the field of entertainment: music, movie and pop culture. Hollywood is the beacon of world entertainment production. Everything that comes from America is well accepted in most countries in the world. Yet, the nation that used to be strong in Christianity now has surrendered, underRead MoreClubbing Culture1415 Words  | 6 Pagesrefer to it as a nightclub. Basically, a night club enables its customers to do a floor show, to dance and to socialize with other clubbers. The music which is also mixed by the DJs ranges from jazz, country, pop, and blues all the way to electronic music such as techno and trance, houses, bass and drum. Gathering in night clubs usually involves music by a DJ, dancing and the most important thing is of course, alcohol. Nowadays, a modern night club is a common place for people who want to getRead MoreGlobal Competition: Culture and Tourism1070 Words  | 5 Pagesaspect in maintaining a country’s existence, the manner of a culture of a country and the more interesting is that country. Indonesia is a country with a lot of cultural diversity, this is due the number of island that belongs to Indonesia very much, making Indonesia the country as multicultural. The diversity of ethnic, tribal, other important aspect of a culture of Indonesia. Culture consists of the patterns of implicit and explicit and to particular behaviors diverted through symbols and achievementRead MoreCompany Analysis : Khs Gmbh1734 Words  | 7 Pagescould sort out the problem according to the management. Indonesia is an option that the company management is looking forward to start the production. The strategic location in relation to giant economies of China, India and Australia, low labour cost and access via se a route are the main advantages that Indonesia has. But, being a complex country, there are certain risks that the company should keep an eye on before investing in Indonesia. 1.INDONESIAN ECONOMY IndonesianRead MoreYouth Marketing1668 Words  | 7 Pageswith developing programmes that cater to the music, sport and fashion interests of viewers, greater emphasis is being placed on interactivity between viewers and the channel, enabling them to participate in a show, for instance, using their mobile phone. Mishal Varma, MTV s senior vice-president, programming and talent and artist relations, says there s also more pro-social programming, such as anti-smoking and anti-drugs announcements, and the MTV Music Summit for AIDS. You ll also find MTV inRead MoreKiller Cultures: Discovering the Effects of Culture on Ones Personal Happiness921 Words  | 4 Pageshappiness B. Detail 2: Healing effects of religion C. Detail 3: Depression rates in India vs. America III. TS#3: In Indonesia, Gilbert found the balance between indulgences and faith, creating a happy, balanced life. A. Detail 1: Depression and obesity rates in Indonesia vs. America B. Detail 2: Obesity rates in Indonesia vs. Italy C. Detail 3: Depression rates in Indonesia vs. India IV. TS#4: After discovering that a balance of indulgences and prayer is the formula to a happy life, one canRead MoreBus 402 Swot Analysis1143 Words  | 5 PagesWork For for 2008. Have loyal customers in all of Starbucks’ existing countries. * High quality control in all Starbucks’ retails. * Have a consistent high quality of service. * Sophisticated atmosphere typical of the Italian Coffee houses, music, interior design and artwork. * Outlets positioned in high street locations, malls, within other businesses areas like offices building. * Wi-Fi Internet service in all of Starbucks retails. * Fast coffee serving. * The process of preparing
Monday, May 18, 2020
A New Form Of Imperialism - 2456 Words
During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the United States pursued an aggressive policy of expansionism, extending its political and economic influence around the globe. Reasons for this were the strong desire for military strength, the thirst for new markets in order to stimulate the economy and trade, and the core belief in cultural superiority (QUOTE). During that time United States became an expansionist nation, so by late nineteenth century America’s thrust into Imperialism had already begun. A new form of imperialism to an extent, the policy still involved extending its country authority and control over foreign countries as a medium of obtaining and maintaining an empire. Imperialism usually involves a stronger nation (emerging world power U.S.) extended control over a weaker nation. But different from the previous European empires of the colonialist time, which were formal administrative systems founded on social, economic and political control, the Am erican Empire was in one way or another a voluntary association, established in improving international mass market. United States imperialism is mainly prevalent in Latin America, which the Spanish-American War of 1898, marks the beginning of. The war marked the emergence of the United States as an externally focused world power. Post war the United States was left with a commercial and physical empire and a strong momentum for American nation-building activities. This era which marks the newShow MoreRelatedDifference Between Formal And Informal Imperialism1721 Words  | 7 PagesDIFFERENCE BETWEEN FORMAL AND INFORMAL IMPERIALISM Name University Course Tutor Date Difference between formal and informal imperialism Throughout the history of the world, different kingdoms have been competing to expand their territories. In most cases, the expansion of theses territories has been at the expense of weaker territories that are incapable of fighting back effectively owing to different barriers . For example, the Mongols expanded their territory in less than a hundred yearsRead MoreImperialism And Its Impact On The Domestic Institutions Of Africa Essay1525 Words  | 7 PagesImperialism, when one country dominates another for its own benefit, is an expansion policy that has reigned for centuries. Over time, imperialism has drastically changed in its magnitude and severity. At the turn of the nineteenth century, a â€Å"new,†more aggressive and competitive form of imperialism emerged and completely dismantled the domestic institutions of various developing countries. Africa in the nineteenth century is a prime example of the â€Å"new†imperialism in effect. How was Africa affectedRea d MoreThe Enlightenment Set the Stage for New Imperialism1362 Words  | 6 PagesNew imperialism was the mid nineteenth and twentieth centuries cultural equivalent to a modern day mafia, its roots entangled in the economic, cultural, and humanistic aspects of life. The sole objective of the nations entailed the exploitation of their controlled state. Gestating from the change in control of Asian and African nations to the Europeans by means of political deviance, malicious sieges, and strategic military attacks. The juxtaposition to the modern equivalent endures as the aforesaidRead MoreEssay about The Pros and Cons of Imperialism540 Words  | 3 Pagesnations interfered with nations that were weaker than they were. This form of sabotaging a nation is economic, political or cultural life is called as imperialism. Imperialism is often separated into two sects. The first one is old imperialism, which was the period from the 1500s to the 1800s, where European nation started to c olonize many areas such as the Americas, and parts of Southeast Asia. On the other hand, the new imperialism was the period between the years â€Å"1870-1914†, where Europe became moreRead MoreThe World War II And The Middle East1332 Words  | 6 PagesFrom the 17th to the 20th centuries, imperialism served a mode of global exploration and expansion of economic, political and religious influence. Glory was at stake; the opportunity to expound upon their influence on the balance of power galvanized most of Europe to explore and colonize Central Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. In the period of European imperialism, imperialism served as conveyer of status and power in world affairs; the more imperialist territory, a more powerful nationRead More The Compelling Motives of European Imperialism Essay794 Words  | 4 PagesThe Compelling Motives of Imperialism The presence of Europe in Africa in the late nineteenth century was one of extreme power. The countries of France, Britain, and Germany had especially large claims to the African continent during this time. The motives of imperialism for these countries greatly define Europe at this time. Insatiable desires for economic markets, power and political struggles, the motivating belief in Social Darwinism, and the European idea of superiority were the drivingRead MoreEssay on The End of the Cold War1634 Words  | 7 PagesThe end of the Cold War brought about the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe, paving the way for an unprecedented new paradigm – one characterised by the end of hostilities between the two dominant ideologies: Soviet communism and American liberal capitalism. This dominant new paradigm encouraged the homogenisation of ideas, in the form of exchanging ethos and values along former cultural, ideological and geographical divides. As such, this integration of world societies has earned the titleRead MoreColonialism And Imperialism In Europe1440 Words  | 6 Pageslarge part of the world. Imperialism can be defined as the system in which the politics, economy and culture of one part of the world are organized according to the domination of some countries over others. The imperialism that emerged in the nineteenth century was the culmination of colonialism initiated in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. But both forms of colonial domination were very different. The old colonial empires have been seen mainly in America, while the new colonial empires focusedRead MoreChange and Continuity738 Words  | 3 Pageshistory dramatically with transportation. Concepts that distinguish 1750 – 1900 from previous eras in world history included: industrialization, imperialism, and nationalism Basically, industrialization helped change the production of goods around the world and created new patterns of global trade and production. Transportation and communication were new expanded methods that supported global capitalism. The Industrial Revolution gave huge economic and political advantages to countries where it occurredRead MoreWestern Imperialism and Modern East Asia Essay example1188 Words  | 5 PagesWestern imperialism in East Asia caused many tribulations for China, Japan, and Korea but also helped them to become contemporary nations. The East Asian countries were tremendously affected by unequal treaties, extraterritoriality, and above all, technology. Great Britain encroached upon China their greed for open trade with the Chinese empire resulting in the deterioration of the Chinese culture, which led to the emergence of a modernized civilization. Japan was co-subjugated by Russia and the
Monday, May 11, 2020
Major Wars and Conflicts of the 20th Century
The 20th century was dominated by wars and conflicts that often altered the balance of power around the globe. The 20th century saw the emergence of total wars, such as World War I and World War II, which were large enough to encompass nearly the entire world. Other wars, like the Chinese Civil War, remained local but still caused the deaths of millions of people. The reasons for the wars varied from expansion disputes to upsets in government to the intentional murder of an entire people. However, they all shared one thing: an extraordinary number of deaths. Which Was the Deadliest War of the 20th Century? The largest and bloodiest war of the 20th century (and of all time) was World War II. The conflict, which lasted from 1939 to 1945, involved most of the planet. When it was finally over, more than 60 million people were dead. Of that enormous group, which represents about 3 percent of the entire world population at the time, the huge majority (well over 50 million) were civilians. World War I was also bloody, with 8.5 million military deaths plus an estimated 13 million more civilian fatalities. If we were to add in the deaths caused by the 1918 influenza epidemic, which was spread by returning soldiers at the end of World War I, the WWI total would be much higher, since the epidemic alone was responsible for 50 to 100 million deaths. Third in the list of bloody wars of the 20th century is the Russian Civil War, which caused the deaths of an estimated 9 million people. Unlike the two world wars, however, the Russian Civil War did not spread across Europe or beyond. Rather, it was a struggle for power following the Russian Revolution, and it pitted the Bolsheviks, headed by Lenin, against a coalition called the White Army. Interestingly, the Russian Civil War was over 14 times deadlier than the American Civil War, which saw the deaths of 620,000. The American Civil War was by far the deadliest war in history for United States soldiers. The second deadliest war in terms of American deaths was World War II in which 405,399 Americans died. The List of Major Wars and Conflicts of the 20th Century All of these wars, conflicts, revolutions, civil wars, and genocides shaped the 20th century. Below is a chronological list of the major wars of the 20th century. 1898–1901 Boxer Rebellion1899–1902 Boer War1904–1905 Russo-Japanese War1910–1920 Mexican Revolution1912–1913 First and Second Balkan Wars1914–1918 World War I1915–1918 Armenian Genocide1917 Russian Revolution1918–1921 Russian Civil War1919–1921 Irish War of Independence1927–1937 Chinese Civil War1933–1945 Holocaust1935–1936 Second Italo-Abyssinian War (also known as the Second Italo-Ethiopian War or the Abyssinian War)1936–1939 Spanish Civil War1939–1945 World War II1945–1990 Cold War1946–1949 Chinese Civil War resumes1946–1954 First Indochina War (also known as the French Indochina War)1948 Israel War of Independence (also known as the Arab-Israeli War)1950–1953 Korean War1954–1962 French-Algerian War1955–1972 First Sudanese Civil War1956 Suez Crisis1959 Cuban Revolution1959–1975 Vietnam War1967 Six-Day War1979–1989 Soviet-Afgha n War1980–1988 Iran-Iraq War1990–1991 Persian Gulf War1991–1995 Third Balkan War1994 Rwandan Genocide
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Diversion Headworks - 3686 Words
MODULE III DIVERSION HEAD WORKS A hydraulic structure which supplies water to the off taking canal is called a head work. Head works are of two types. 1.Storage head works 2.Diversion head works. 1.Storage head works. It stores water during the period of excess supplies in the river and releases it when demand overtakes available supplies. 1.Diversion head works It serves to divert the required supply in to the canal from the river. A diversion head works serves the following purposes. 1. It raises the water level in the river so that commanded area can be increased. 2. It regulates the intake of water in to the canal. 3. It controls the silt entry in to the canal. 4. It reduces fluctuations in the level of†¦show more content†¦The safety against undermining cannot simply be obtained by considering a flat average gradient but by keeping this gradient well below critical. 4. Bligh makes no distinction between outer and inner faces of sheet piles or the intermediate sheet pile where as according to investigation the outer faces end sheet piles are much more effective than ones. 5. Loss of head does not take place in the same proportion as creep length. Also the uplift pressure distribution is not linear but follows as sine curve. 6. Bligh does not specify the absolute necessity of providing a sheet pile at D/S end whereas it is absolutely essential to have a deep vertical cut off at D/S end to prevent undermining. DESIGN OF VERTICAL DROP WEIR The complete design of vertical drop weir consists of the design calculations for the following. 1. Hydraulic calculations for fixing various elevations. 2. Design of weir well. 3. Design of impervious apron. 4. Design of inverted filter and D/S talus. 1. Hydraulic calculations. Before starting the design calculations the following data must be known. Maximum flood discharge. H.F.L. before construction of weir. D/S bed level. F.S.L. of canal taking off from the river. Allowable afflux. Lacey’s silt factor f. 1. The length of water way (L) is calculated from Lacey’s regime formula L = 4.75 Q 1/2 ---------------------------- (1) Where L = Length of water way in meters. Q =Show MoreRelatedConstruction Process For A Water Irrigation System Essay1201 Words  | 5 Pagesconsiderable energy, corrugated steel pipes offer energy-dissipating advantages. On flat terrains, energy loss through a culvert is undesirable; hence, concrete pipes are more appropriate (Simon, 1997) 2.2.2 Canal At the diversion structure, a headwork controls the flow into a canal. Main canal is the canal that gathers water supplies from the river and usually direct irrigation from the waters of this canal is not carried out (Kharagpur, 2008). This acts as a feeder channel to the branchRead MoreWater as a Source of Future Conflict in Sa26984 Words  | 108 Pageshundred are killed before cease-fire was declared. (e) March 1965 - July 1966. Syria and Israel had exchanged fire over all-Arab plan to pass on the headwaters of the Jordan River, most possibly to prevent Israeli national water carrier, a diversion plan that was out-of-basin from the Sea of Galilee. (f) April - August 1975. A low-flow year next to the Euphrates, as upstream dams were being filled, the Iraqis claimed that the stream reaching its territory was unbearable, and requested
Basic Kitchen Organization Free Essays
Basic Kitchen Organization Food Processing Kitchen (Commissary Kitchen) -In large operations, it is a kitchen for the processing of all vegetables, salads and fruits -Purpose: to wash peel and sanitize and cut all raw products, increase hygienic and sanitary standards of a kitchen, reduce waste Cold/Pantry Kitchen (Garde Manger) -Produces all cold food items – salads, dressings, cold platters, terrines, pates, sushi/sashimi, cheese, fruits,etc. -If there is no in-house butchery, also responsible for processing and portioning all meat, fish and seafood items Butchery In charge of processing and portioning all meat, fish, and seafood -In large operations, it will also produce processed meats and seafood items such as sausages, smoked ham, cooked ham, smoked fish and seafood, etc. Main Kitchen -In charge of producing hot dishes for the various outlets, hot basic sauces for all operations -If there is no banquet kitchen, it will also produce the hot food for banquet and catering f unctions -May also provide the staff food in certain operations Banquet Kitchen -Generally, is a finishing kitchen – a satellite kitchen for garnishing, final sauces and service -Large operations may have this as a full kitchen Restaurant Kitchen -Generally, finishing kitchens, except specialty kitchens such as Western Fine Dining, Japanese, Chinese, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Basic Kitchen Organization or any similar topic only for you Order Now -Coffee Shop Classified here. Room Service Kitchen -Room service food is generally provided by individual restaurant kitchens -Larger operations have a separate room service kitchen -Offer a la carte items from all their restaurants Staff Canteen -Large operations generally have a small staff canteen -Partly supported by the main kitchen, cold kitchen, and butchery. Pastry and bakery provide desserts and breads. Pastry Kitchen -In charge of producing all types of cold, warm and frozen desserts (pralines, cookies, sugar work, marzipan work, etc. ) Bakery -In charge of all baking requirements such as breads, crusts and doughs. Kitchen Organization Chart Kitchen Brigade Corporate Chef -Highest position for a chef in a hotel chain or chain of restaurants. -Responsible for overseeing standards in all hotels/restaurants in that chain -Creates new food concept ideas for all hotels or certain regions -Oversees new hotels and renovations Executive Chef (Chef de Cuisine) Administrative and operational responsibility for all daily kitchen operations on one hotel -Ensures that all supply requirements for all operations are in place -Develops and implements new menus, promotions and festivals -Evaluates based on recommendations, promotes or dismisses staff -Directly interacts with banquet and sales and marketing to produce special menus for functions or groups staying in the hotel -Updates the food and b everage director -Responsible for the monthly food cost of his/her department Executive Sous Chef (Working Chef) -Immediate assistant of the EC -Directly supervises all operational activities In charge of certain administrative work such as duty rosters, evaluation of his/her immediate subordinates, coordination for function set ups, or special promotional setups. Sous Chef -Commonly in charge of an outlet kitchen or section -Run directly the day-to-day of outlet operations -Directly coordinate with the Executive Sous-Chef -Responsible for supplies, proper staffing, and food quality -Appraise and interview new staff and recommend promotions and dismissal of staff. Section Chef – Chef de Partie -Sauce Cook – Saucier oPrepares all meat, game, poultry, fish and warm appetizers w/ hot/warm sauces -Broiler Cook – Rotisseur All grilled dishes, roasts, and dishes that are oven roasted or deep-fat fried -A la Carte Cook – Restaurteur oPrepares al a carte dishes - Fish Cook – Poissonier oRelieves the sauce cook from the preparation of fish and seafood dishes -Vegetable Cook – Entremetier oPreparation of soups, vegetables, potatoes, pasta, warm cheese and egg dishes -Pantry Cook – Garde Manger oSupervises all cold food preparations: Salads, cold appetizer, dressings cold sauces, buffet platters and decorations. oIf there is no butchery, bones and portions all meat, game, poultry, and fish oResponsible for monitoring all chillers and freezers Butcher – Boucher de Cuisine oHandles meat, fish and seafood, if they are professionally trained butchers, also prepare processed meats -Swing Chef – Chef Tournant oReliever for the Chefs de Partie and generally an experienced chef -Duty Cook – Chef de Garde oFor restaurants with a split shift – stays on duty during the lean afternoon hours or late evening hours -Dietitian – Dietetcien oAdvisory position – prepares special diet menus and calcul ates nutritional values for guests with special needs -Demi-Chef oPosition between rank and file and supervisor Stronger cook than a commis, but not experienced enough to be a chef de partie oTakes on supervisory functions of chef de partie in their absence -Staff Cook – Cuisinier pour le personnel oPrepares the meals for the staff if there is a staff kitchen Pastry, Confisserie and Bakery -Pastry Chef – Patissier oPrepares cold, warm and frozen sweet dishes as well as baked items if there is no bakeshop in the operation oSupervises all necessary ingredient requisitions, evaluation, hiring and dismissal of the staff oReports directly to the executive chef, coordinates with the executive-sous chef -Confisseur Prepares all specialties with chocolate and special cookies (petit-fours) oSpecialist in sugar and marzipan work -Chief Baker – Boulanger oResponsible for all bread and dough preparation required by the pastry and kitchen Cooking Methods and Techniques 14 Co oking Methods MethodWhere it’s doneTemperature BlanchingStove Deep-Fat FryerWater: 100Â °C Oil: 130Â °C-150Â °C PoachingStove/OvenStove: 65Â °C-80Â °C Oven: 165Â °C Boiling or SimmeringStoveBoiling: 100Â °C Simmering: 95Â °C – 98Â °C SteamingStove/Steamer100Â °C – 120Â °C Deep Fat FryingDeep Fat Fryer170Â °C – 180Â °C Sauteing or Pan-FryingStove165Â °C – 200Â °C GrillingGrill240Â °C – 190Â °C Gratinate or Au GratinOven/Salamander240Â °C – 280Â °C BakingOven130Â °C – 260Â °C RoastingOven200Â °C – 220Â °C Finishing: 180Â °C Butter RoastingOvenStart: 140Â °C Finish: 160Â °C Braising/GlazingOven Meat Oven Vegetables Start: 200Â °C Cook: 160Â °C – 180Â °C Start: 140Â °C Finish: 160Â °C Glazing VegetablesStoveCook: 95Â °C – 98Â °C StewingStove95Â °C – 98Â °C Blanching -Cooking method used to pre-cook, cook or sanitize an ingredient for another cooking method or for preservation oAlternative method for blanching in hot water is steaming Method – can either be starting with cold or hot water or in oil -Why do we blanch: oTo clean and sanitize oTo destroy enzymes oTo prevent ingredients from sticking oTo improve the color of ingredients oTo pre-cook ingredients for another method oTo pre-cook an ingredient for preserving P oaching -For cooking tender ingredients which are high in protein at a low temperature (65Â °C – 80Â °C) -Where do we poach: oOn the stove, in liquid oOn the stove, in a water bath oIn the oven, in a water bath oIn a low/high pressure steamer in -How do we poach: oPoach, Floating in liquid oPoach in shallow Liquid Poach in a water bath with stirring oPoach in a water bath without stirring -To prevent tender meat parts, fish, egg and recipes containing egg from being over cooked and broken apart Boiling or Simmering -Boiling or simmering starting with cold water with a lid oFor Dried Vegetables, Potatoes and legumes oFor vegetable side dishes and soups (food items which are not delicate and do not change shape) oSo food can further absorb water and tenderize faster -Boiling and simmering without a lid oFor vegetables and starch based recipes, 98Â °C – 100Â °C oVegetable side dishes, rice dishes, pasta dishes and eggs To achieve rapid boiling point so that ingredient s cook faster without excessive loss of nutrients and flavors -Simmering oFor stocks and soups, 95Â °C – 98Â °C oSimmer with out a lid to monitor liquids oStocks and clear soups become cloudy when boiled -Simmering starting with hot water with a lid oFor Meat, poultry, variety meats, fowl oStews, tongue, boiled beef, oThese ingredients don’t need to be monitored as they are stewed and contain sauce oSimmer with a lid to prevent excessive evaporation Steaming -For items that you usually poach, you can also steam Reduced cooking time with heat above 100Â °C retains flavor, color and nutrients better -Food stays drier and can immediately be used for further processing -Preserves ingredient shape very well as there is no agitation -Different kinds of ingredients can be cooked at the same time without absorbing each others flavor -Disadvantage: there is no liquid to prepare the sauce from Deep-Fat Frying -Meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, potato, fruits, mushrooms, pastri es -Done in plant fat (shortening) at 170Â °C – 180Â °C -Basic rules in deep fat frying: oUse only heat-resistant and non-foamy oils Ensure proper temperature at 170Â °C – 180Â °C and never heat oil above 200Â °C oIf not in use, turn fryer temperature down to 90Â °C oNever season with salt or any other seasoning above the deep fat fryer oNever fry fish and pastry items in the same oil than other products oNever cover the deep fat fryer when in use oNever cover deep fat-fried foods as they become soggy oEveryday, filter fryer oil and clean deep fat fryer to remove frying particles which have settled on the bottom of the fryer oNever use oil that foams and causes eye and lung irritation smoke at 180Â °C Sauteing (Pan Frying) in a Stainless steel pan Use a stainless steel pan to produce pan drippings oSo you can deglaze the pan drippings oAdd flavor and color to the sauce Sauteing (Pan Frying) in a Non-Stick pan -Sauteing meat, vegetables, potatoes, mushrooms, eggs , etc. -Use a non-stick pan when sauteing ingredient that do not need a sauce to be made after. -Can also be done on a flat-top griddle, but like the non-stick pan, you cannot produce any sauce after Grilling and Broiling -For portioned and generally marinated meat, fish, seafood, poultry, vegetables, potato and mushrooms. Ingredients may be wrapped in aluminum oil -Healthy cooking method – fat-free – but it is important not to burn ingredients because this can produce carcinogens Gratinating or Au Gratin -Method used for finishing, food is already generally cooked. -Food is always covered with ingredients that brown well (ex. egg cream, cheese, batters, sauces, etc. ) -After applying the coating or crust, ingredients are browned under the salamander or in the oven under high upper heat -Eggs, soups, sauces, cheese, fish, seafood, poultry, meat, pasta, vegetables, potatoes and desserts are commonly gratinated -Browning is done for flavor and presentation Baking -Mainly used in the hot kitchen to bake meat in a dough, crust or w/ savory souffles and savory starts -Mainly used in the pastry and bakery in the production Roasting in the oven -Done with tender and large pieces of meat which are only cut after cooking -Potatoes may also be roasted -Tender meat parts are roasted as the proteins are soft and do not require liquid to tenderize hem -Important that there is enough fat, to prevent drying out Braising in the oven -Food is cooked in a small amount of liquid in the oven or in a pressure cooker -Used for meat and fowl with high connective tissue Generally ingredients are braised whole and cut before serving -Slow cooking method where food is gently cooked in the oven over a long period of time where the product is tenderized Glazing of vegetables -Commonly for root, knob and fruit vegetables, also chest nuts and water chestnuts Glazing of White Meat -For white meat and poultry with low connective tissue -When glazing white meats, th e product will have a shiny brown crust and moist, tender meats due to the slow cooking process Stewing meat on the stove -Used for pre-cut meat or poultry with high connective tissue -Generally stewed with a large amount of liquid -Usually national recipes of countries, with many variations -Onions usually an ingredient, it is important to properly glaze them so they release the juices which become syrupy and eventually turn brownish Stewing of fruits and vegetables -Usually vegetables from the fruit vegetable family -Generally used to make compotes, fruit puree or fruit sauce How to cite Basic Kitchen Organization, Papers
Calibration of volumetric glassware free essay sample
In this section you will determine the mass of a clean, dry weighing bottle under various conditions. Unless instructed otherwise, you should handle the bottle with your crucible tongs, gloves, or lint-free paper and measurements should be made to the nearest 0. 1 mg. Begin by placing the weighing bottle and cap (with cap removed) in the oven for about 5 minutes. Remove and re-mass while warm. Follow the change in its apparent mass for several minutes, reweighing every thirty seconds. Record all masses including the final constant value. After massing the weighing bottle, roll it around in your hand (handle the bottle with your fingers) and then re-mass and compare the two masses. How should weighing bottles be handled on a regular basis? 3. Next, wipe the bottle clean with a dry, lint-free cloth or tissue and reweigh. Record all observations. 4. Hold the weighing bottle and inch from your mouth and breathe on it several times. Re-mass and compare with previous data. 5. Discuss your results in your laboratory write-up. PART B- CALIBRATION OF VOLUMETRIC GLASSWARE Throughout the semester, you will be required to make accurate measurements of volume. The primary means of doing so will be by using either a volumetric pipet, a Mohr pipet, a micropipet, or a buret. Many manufacturers calibrate their glassware so that the true volume is within specified limits of the labeled volume. In cases where particularly accurate measurements are needed, it may be necessary to make a more accurate calibration of your volumetric containers. In this experiment you will calibrate a buret, a volumetric pipet, and a micropipet. In order to prevent difficulties with access to the analytical balances, please perform all pipetting and volume measurement manipulations at your normal lab station, then transport the bottle to the analytical balance to mass it. 1. If you have any questions concerning the use of any of the volumetric glassware necessary for the experiment, be certain to refer to Chapter 2 in your textbook. Additional information can be obtained from your instructor. A summary of the calibration techniques are provided on pgs 43 (pipet) and 49-50 (buret). 2. Place about 250 mL of distilled, deionized water in a 400-mL beaker. Place a thermometer in the beaker containing the water and leave it in place through the remainder of the experiment. If the temperature of the water is not identical to that of the room temperature, allow the water to equilibrate to room temperature. Record the temperature of the equilibrated water. If the temperature of the water changes during the experiment, record the changed temperature. Use the temperature recorded just prior to each mass measurement to do the calculations described later in the experiment. Why are these calculations necessary? How much effect does the temperature of the water have upon the actual delivery of the pipet or buret? 3. Label the 4 plastic bottles, one for each different volumetric device to be calibrated, with an identifying tag for each of the pieces of glassware that you will calibrate. Cap the bottles and weigh to the nearest 0. 1 milligram. Record the masses. 4. Using the 10-mL volumetric pipet, transfer a water sample to the appropriately labeled bottle. Replace the bottles cap and reweigh the bottle to the nearest 0.1 mg. 3 5. Repeat step 4 with the same pipet into the same bottle until you have made at least 8 repeat deliveries. You should at this point have recorded a total of 9 masses for the bottle. 6. With your second plastic bottle do a similar exercise using the Eppendorf micropipet instead of the volumetric pipet. Ask your instructor to show you the correct way to use the micropipet. A volume size of 100 ? L or greater is appropriate for this analysis. Be certain to put approximately 10 mL of liquid in the bottle before you begin your measured deliveries. Why is this done? 7. The third piece of equipment that you need to calibrate are your burets. Fill the buret with distilled, deionized water so that the meniscus is above the zero mark. (Be absolutely certain that there are no air bubbles in the tip of the buret before calibrating it. ) Slowly, allow approximately 5 mL of the water to drain into the bottle, wait 30 seconds for the drainage from the wall of the buret, and read the meniscus to the nearest. You should never attempt to start the buret at 0. 00 mL. Points will be deducted from your lab score whenever either of these guidelines is violated**) Touch the tip of the buret to the inner lip of the bottle, cap the bottle and reweigh. Repeat this procedure using approximately 5. 00 mL additions (5. 00 to 10. 00, 10. 00 to 15. 00, etc, until you reach 50. 00 mL) read accurately from the buret. In each case make sure that you carefully write down the true reading of the buret. Your instructor will find it very unlikely that you delivered exactly 5. 00 mL from the buret in each step! Once you have completed calibrating your first buret, repeat the same procedure for the second buret. CALCULATIONS All calculations and requested graphs to be performed in this laboratory should be done using a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. It is important to understand the role of spreadsheets in data manipulation and graphing as you will make use of these skills throughout the semester. Use the difference in mass between each set of two consecutive mass measurements to determine the mass of water delivered by the glassware being tested. Consider the application of a correction for buoyancy errors in this mass. Once the true masses are known, find the volume delivered by making a density correction for each mass measurement obtained in your experiment (Remember that the temperature of the water at each massing is important when making this correction). Where might you find information about the density of water as a function of temperature? Calculate the average volume, the standard deviation, and the percent standard deviation of the results obtained with each pipet. Compare and contrast the accuracy of the two pipets you calibrated. How does the precision of each of the pipets compare? Does yours volumetric pipet 4 meet the National Bureau of Standards requirements for class A glassware? Calculate the volume of water contained in each delivery from your buret. Compare it to the value you read from the buret scale. How does each compare? Summarize the net percent error in delivery from your buret and comment upon it. If it is a significant error, based on an expectation of the tolerance of your buret, you may wish to apply a correction to all future data obtained with this buret. Include in the Report 1. Set up tables and perform your calculations (see example in text (pg. 50)) in Microsoft Excel, using the volume of water corrected to 20? C. 2. Using the spreadsheet, graph the calibration curve for each buret. These graphs should be similar to Figure 3-3, page 54 of Harris. 3. Calculate the average volume delivered by the 10 mL pipet, the N-1 standard deviation and the 95% confidence interval for your pipet data and state your final value. 4. Compare your buret results with the tolerances in Table 2-2, page 35 of Harris. 5. Compare your pipet results with the tolerances in Table 2-4, page 38 of Harris. 6. Assume 36. 45 mL of a solution is delivered from your buret. Calculate the amount your buret actually delivered. (Do this for both burets). Note: You need your buret calibration graphs throughout the semester to correct your buret readings so it is important to do a very careful job today. The error plotted indicates the amount that should be added to the buret reading to give the true volume delivered. Interpolation is used for readings between those corresponding to the calibration measurements.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Set The World On Fire by Black Veil Brides free essay sample
I have never been the one to listen to rock music. That is until i took a listen to a rock group with the sounds of Kiss and Motley Crue, the Black Veil Brides. In the family, my brother was the one to listen to rock and screams, but i listened to rap and pop like any other teenage girl. But this band, just one band changed all that. I used to ignore my brother and tell him his music sucked before i actually took the time to listen to it, now i live for it. I got to concerts, i dress up sometimes. all thank to this band. their new album Set The World On Fire is definitely good. From Fallen Angels to the song itself Set The World On Fire, this album will blow your ears away. Dont just turn around and point your nose up and say i dont like it. We will write a custom essay sample on Set The World On Fire by Black Veil Brides or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page just give it a listen and i will guarantee youll love it. From the masterful guitar works of Jake Pitts and Jeremy Jinxx Ferguson to the Bass playing of Ashley Purdy, then to the sweet but hard playing of the drums by Christian CC Coma (Mora) to the melodic voice of one Andy Biersack. just go on youtube and listen to one song and youlll be hooked on this band. the new kids on the scene. Just try and maybe you might want to join the BVB army and Set The World On Fire Set The World On Fire by Black Veil Brides free essay sample The Black Veil Brides album has made its way on to my self and into my heart as my number 1 favorite album Black Veil Brides has really hit right on the mark this time were there past albums were good this exceeds my expectations. Set The World on Fire by Black Veil Brides free essay sample Here Comes the Brides†¦ Except this 5-man band, Black Veil Brides, from Los Angeles, California, are surely not your typical ladies in white gowns. Dressed in black leather, ripped clothing, dark makeup, and a heavy rock/ metal sound, it’s positive that these men stand out. However, they are not just about screaming pointless lyrics. In fact, their newest album, Set the World on Fire, contains very minimal screaming. Their music delivers the heart-warming message of being yourself, and helps kids cope with the fact that they will not always be accepted for it. The founder and lead singer of Black Veil Brides is Andy Biersack. Making up the rest of the quintet are guitarists Jinxx and Jake, drummer Christian ‘CC’ Coma, and bassist Ashley Purdy. The name Black Veil Brides is derived from a Catholic term, referring to when a nun enters a convent, giving up the pleasures of life. We will write a custom essay sample on Set The World on Fire by Black Veil Brides or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Andy always enjoyed the idea of devoting your entire life to something, which to him was music. Although their name or image may deceive you, every member is a male in their twenties. Influenced by Kiss and Motley Crue, the Brides have developed a large fan base, mostly consisting of teenagers. That isn’t to say adults are not fans, too. I have seen plenty of parents come –in full makeup attire- to shows alongside their children. Black Veil Brides was formed in 2006 in Andy’s hometown of Ohio. The band name was originally Biersack, and there were many member changes. Eventually, Andy moved to Los Angeles and met Ashley Purdy. Together they began the new band, and with a few more adjustments, Andy had finally found permanent members. The band began touring around late 2009, and has constantly been on the road ever since. Black Veil Brides has been featured in magazines such as The Big Cheese, AP Tour, and Kerrang, and won a Revolver Golden God Award and Kerrang – Best International Newcomer. They soon will be touring with well-known band Avenged Sevenfold. Black Veil Brides’ sophomore album, Set the World on Fire, also the title of a song on the record, was released on June 14th. It hit number three on the rock album chart. Andy says he and the others wanted to â€Å"show how we had naturally grown as a band and as songwriters.†The song â€Å"Fallen Angels†was released as a single, and â€Å"Smoke and Mirrors†was a bonus track. The 3 most fast paced songs on the album are â€Å"New Religion†, â€Å"Youth and Whiskey†, and â€Å"The Legacy†. I can already see the mosh pits forming just by listening to those tracks. â€Å"Ritual†and â€Å"Saviour†are slower acoustic songs. Saviour has beautiful guitar riffs and maintains the band’s encouraging message with passionate lyrics, such as the chorus: â€Å"A saviour will be there, when you are feeling alone. A saviour for all that you do, so live freely without their harm.†The two songs that didn’t stand out to me as much were â€Å"God Bless You†and â€Å"Love Isn’t Always Fair†. I found the instruments sounded very generic, and the lyrics weren’t unique or special. Overall, I thought this was an outstanding album, and it was clear the Brides worked extremely hard on it to create a unique variety of songs. If you haven’t yet, give Black Veil Brides a listen. There’s something on the album for everyone.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Choosing an ISP essays
Choosing an ISP essays There are many things to consider when selecting an Internet Service Provider (Also known as ISP). Because there are so many people that have computers, at home, work, or school, there has been a great demand for internet access. The out come is that we know have a great selection of ISPs. Of course many people have very different needs and different reasons for choosing different Internet Service Providers. I will list a few of the ISPs that I have researched and let you know what to look for when selecting yours. First we I will give you a little information about a couple of providers. One of the most renowned providers is America Online (AOL). There is also Earthlink, ATs I will begin with America Online. AOL is very well known because it is one of the most frequently advertised of all service providers. It offers the keyword feature that allows you to type a word or two instead of the full web address which saves time and effort. One the most famous features are its E-Mail and Instant Messaging. Instant Messaging allows you to have a real time conversation with any other AOL user who is logged on at the same time that you are. This is a very nice feature, but the down side to it is that the other person must be an AOL subscriber that is currently online. Their E-Mail service is similar to any other E-Mail service. The transmission speed is 56 kbps for dial up connections. AOL does offer high speed internet access through DSL and cable. Dial up access costs about $23 a month for unlimited ...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela - Former President of South Africa
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela - Former President of South Africa Date of birth: 18 July 1918, Mvezo, Transkei.Date of death: 5 December 2013, Houghton, Johannesburg, South Africa Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born on 18 July 1918 in the small village of Mvezo, on the Mbashe River, district of Umtata in Transkei, South Africa. His Father named him Rolihlahla, which means pulling the branch of the tree, or more colloquially troublemaker. The name Nelson was not given until his first day at school. Nelson Mandelas father, Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa, was the chief by blood and custom of Mvezo, a position confirmed by the paramount chief of the Thembu, Jongintaba Dalindyebo. Although the family is descended from Thembu royalty (one of Mandelas ancestors was paramount chief in the 18th century) the line had passed down to Mandela through lesser Houses, rather than through a line of potential succession. The clan name of Madiba, which is often used as a form of address for Mandela, comes from the ancestral chief. Until the advent of European domination in the region, chieftaincy of the Thembu (and other tribes of the Xhosa nation) was by patrimonial decent, with the first son of the major wife (known as the Great House) becoming automatic heir, and the first son of the second wife (the highest of the lessor wives, also known as the Right Hand House) being relegated to creating a minor chiefdom. The sons of the third wife (known as the Left Hand House) were destined to become advisors to the chief. Nelson Mandela was the son of the third wife, Noqaphi Nosekeni, and could have otherwise expected to become a royal advisor. He was one of thirteen children, and had three elder brothers all of whom were of higher rank. Mandelas mother was a Methodist, and Nelson followed in her footsteps, attending a Methodist missionary school. When Nelson Mandelas father died in 1930, the paramount chief, Jongintaba Dalindyebo, became his guardian. In 1934, a year during which he attended three month initiation school (during which he was circumcised), Mandela matriculated from Clarkebury Missionary school. Four years later he graduated from Healdtown, a strict Methodist college, and left to pursue higher education at the University of Fort Hare (South Africas first university college for Black Africans). It was here he first met his lifelong friend and associate Oliver Tambo. Both Nelson Mandela and Oliver Tambo were expelled from Fort Hare in 1940 for political activism. Briefly returning to Transkei, Mandela discovered that his guardian had arranged a marriage for him. He fled towards Johannesburg, where he obtained work as a night-watchman on a gold mine. Nelson Mandela moved into a house in Alexandra, a Black suburb of Johannesburg, with his mother. Here he met Walter Sisulu and Walters fiancà ©e Albertina. Mandela started working as a clerk in a law firm, studying in the evening through a correspondence course with the University of South Africa (now UNISA) to complete his first degree. He was awarded his Bachelors degree in 1941, and in 1942 he was articled to another firm of attorneys and started upon a law degree at the University of Witwatersrand. Here he worked with a study partner, Seretse Khama, who would later become the first president of an independent Botswana. In 1944 Nelson Mandela married Evelyn Mase, a cousin of Walter Sisulu. He also began his political career in earnest, joining the African National Congress, ANC. Finding the existing leadership of the ANC to be a dying order of pseudo-liberalism and conservatism, of appeasement and compromise., Mandela, along with Tambo, Sisulu, and a few others formed the African National Congress Youth League, ANCYL. In 1947 Mandela was elected as secretary of the ANCYL, and became a member of the Transvaal ANC executive. By 1948 Nelson Mandela had failed to pass the exams required for his LLB law degree, and he decided instead to settle for the qualifying exam which would allow him to practice as an attorney. When DF Malans Herenigde Nationale Party (HNP, Re-united National Party) won the 1948 election, Mandela, Tambo, and Sisulu acted. The existing ANC president was pushed out of office and someone more amenable to the ideals of the ANCYL was brought in as a replacement. Walter Sisulu proposed a programme of action, which was subsequently adopted by the ANC. Mandela was made president of the Youth League in 1951. Nelson Mandela opened his law office in 1952, and a few months later teamed up with Tambo to create the first Black legal practice in South Africa. It was difficult for both Mandela and Tambo to find time for both their legal practice and their political aspirations. That year Mandela became president of the Transvaal ANC, but was banned under the Suppression of Communism Act – he was prohibited from holding office within the ANC, banned from attending ANY meetings, and restricted to the district around Johannesburg. Fearing for the future of the ANC, Nelson Mandela and Oliver Tambo initiated the M-plan (M for Mandela). The ANC would be broken down into cells so that it could continue to operate, if necessary, underground. Under the banning order, Mandela was restricted from attending meeting, but he drove down to Kliptown in June 1955 to be part of the Congress of the People; and by keeping to the shadows and the periphery of the crowd, Mandela watched as the Freedom Charter was adopted by all the groups involved. His increasing involvement in the anti-Apartheid struggle, however, caused problems for his marriage and in December that year Evelyn left him, citing irreconcilable differences. On 5 December 1956, in response to the adoption of the Freedom Charter at the Congress of the People, the Apartheid government in South Africa arrested a total 156 people, including Chief Albert Luthuli (president of the ANC) and Nelson Mandela. This was almost the entire executive of the African National Congress (ANC), Congress of Democrats, South African Indian Congress, Coloured Peoples Congress, and the South African Congress of Trade Unions (collectively known as the Congress Alliance). They were charged with high treason and a countrywide conspiracy to use violence to overthrow the present government and replace it with a communist state. The punishment for high treason was death. The Treason Trial dragged on, until Mandela and his 29 remaining co-accused were finally acquitted in March 1961. During the Treason Trial Nelson Mandela met and married his second wife, Nomzamo Winnie Madikizela. The 1955 Congress of the People and its moderate stance against the policies of the Apartheid government eventually led to the younger, more radical members of the ANC to break away: the Pan Africanist Congress, PAC, was formed in 1959 under the leadership of Robert Sobukwe. The ANC and PAC became instant rivals, especially in the townships. This rivalry came to a head when the PAC rushed ahead of ANC plans to hold mass protests against the pass laws. On 21 March 1960 at least 180 black Africans were injured and 69 killed when the South African police opened fire on approximately demonstrators at Sharpeville. Both the ANC and PAC responded in 1961 by setting up military wings. Nelson Mandela, in what was a radical departure from ANC policy, was instrumental in creating the ANC group: Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation, MK), and Mandela became the MKs first commander. Both the ANC and PAC were banned by the South African government under the Unlawful Organisations Act in 1961. The MK, and the PACs Poqo, responded by commencing with campaigns of sabotage. In 1962 Nelson Mandela was smuggled out of South Africa. He first attended and addressed the conference of African nationalist leaders, the Pan-African Freedom Movement, in Addis Ababa. From there he went to Algeria to undergo guerrilla training, and then flew to London to catch up with Oliver Tambo (and also to meet members of the British parliamentary opposition). On his return to South Africa, Mandela was arrested and sentenced to five years for incitement and illegally leaving the country. On 11 July 1963 a raid was undertaken on Lilieslief farm in Rivonia, near Johannesburg, which was being used by the MK as headquarters. The remaining leadership of the MK was arrested. Nelson Mandela was included at trial with those arrested at Lilieslief and charged with over 200 counts of sabotage, preparing for guerrilla warfare in SA, and for preparing an armed invasion of SA. Mandela was one of five (out of the ten defendants) at the Rivonia Trail to be given life sentences and sent to Robben Island. Two more were released, and the remaining three escaped custody and were smuggled out of the country. At the end of his four hour statement to the court Nelson Mandela stated: During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die. These words are said to sum up the guiding principles by which he worked for liberation of South Africa. In 1976 Nelson Mandela was approached with an offer by Jimmy Kruger, the Minister for Police serving under President BJ Vorster, to renounce the struggle and settle in the Transkei. Mandela refused. By 1982 international pressure against the South African government to release Nelson Mandela and his compatriots was growing. The then South African president, PW Botha, arranged for Mandela and Sisulu to be transferred back to the mainland to Pollsmoor Prison, near Cape Town. In August 1985, approximately a month after the South African government declares a state of emergency, Mandela was taken to hospital for an enlarged prostate gland. On his return to Pollsmoor he was placed in solitary confinement (having a whole section of the jail to himself). In 1986 Nelson Mandela was taken to see the Minister of Justice, Kobie Coetzee, who requested once again that he renounce violence in order to win his freedom. Despite refusing, restrictions on Mandela were somewhat lifted: he was allowed visits from his family, and was even driven around Cape Town by the prison warder. In May 1988 Mandela was diagnosed with tuberculosis and moved to Tygerberg hospital for treatment. On release from hospital he was moved to secure quarters at Victor Verster Prison near Paarl. By 1989 things were looking bleak for the Apartheid regime: PW Botha had a stroke, and shortly after entertaining Mandela at the Tuynhuys, the presidential residence in Cape Town, he resigned. FW de Klerk was appointed as his successor. Mandela met with De Klerk in December 1989, and the following year at the opening of parliament (2 February) De Klerk announced the unbanning of all political parties and the release of political prisoners (except those guilty of violent crimes). On 11 February 1990 Nelson Mandela was finally released. By 1991 the Convention for a Democratic South Africa, CODESA, was set up to negotiate constitutional change in South Africa. Both Mandela and De Klerk were key figures in the negotiations, and their efforts were jointly awarded in December 1993 with the Nobel Peace Prize. When South Africas first multi-racial elections were held in April 1994, the ANC won a 62% majority. (Mandela revealed later that he was worried that it would achieve the 67% majority that would allow it to re-write the constitution.) A Government of National Unity, GNU, was formed – based on an idea proffered by Joe Slovo, the GNU could last for up to five years as a new constitution was drawn up. It was hoped that this would allay the fears of South Africas whites population suddenly faced with majority Black rule. On 10 May 1994 Nelson Mandela made his inaugural presidential speech from the Union Building, Pretoria: We have at last, achieved our political emancipation. we pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender, and other discrimination. Never, never, and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another... Let freedom reign. God Bless Africa! Shortly after he published his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom. In 1997 Nelson Mandela stepped down as leader of the ANC in favour of Thabo Mbeki, and in 1999 he relinquished the post of president. Despite claims to have retired, Mandela continues to have a busy life. He was divorced from Winnie Madikizela-Mandela in 1996, the same year that the press realised he was having a relationship with Graà §a Machel, the widow of Mozambiques former president. After heavy prompting by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela and Graà §a Machel were married on his eightieth birthday, 18 July 1998. This article first went live on 15 August 2004.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Competitive Advantage at Louis Vuitton and Gucci Case Study
Competitive Advantage at Louis Vuitton and Gucci - Case Study Example This research is the best example of comparison of two brands. Both LVMH and Gucci host a number of luxurious brands which have their own individuality in terms of designing, inbound and outbound logistics, marketing and value to these companies. The most important success factor for these companies has been the valuable brands they serve. These brands have a long established history for delivering products which have been appreciated and accepted as the source of luxury. By luxury we mean products or services which have high economic value and have a limited market of the richest and elites. Both companies have cultivated strong marketing tools to ensure that their brands remain active in the market and are not renounced at any times. Furthermore, their presence and major fashion shows in major cities including New York, Paris, Milan, London, Singapore and Berlin creates a real impact for these companies. The overall impact of rejuvenating brand is increasing demand for prestigious products even at higher prices than market average. The second most important success factor is that these companies have constantly engaged in the process of evolving. From just being single business line entities they have not been hesitant to explore opportunities available in the market. This is mainly due to the inspirations and charisma of the groups’ creative directors who had long term vision for making their brands as household name. The companies have grown as conglomerate of brands with product lines in different market segments however keeping in view the value in terms of the extravagance and luxury for their users. The companies have been able to differentiate from their competitors in many ways. Most importantly is that these companies have kept a unique culture and control over the use of their brands. They have not allowed excessive franchising and licensing of their brand which would dilute their brands as experienced by some of the leading fashion brands su ch as Pierre Cardin which lost its presence in the luxury market because of the overuse of the brand in 1980s for over 800 products (Lynch, 2005). The consideration of the companies' value chains indicate that both companies aim to work with controlled suppliers
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